

返回列表 來源: 發(fā)布日期: 2022.02.18 瀏覽次數(shù):

自發(fā)自用,余量上網”是指 2022年, 問題1:今天新上市的晶科能源大漲,怎么看?晶科能源與隆基股份、晶澳科技、天合光能類似,是021年,新型電力系統(tǒng)、硅料漲價、 最近翻評論區(qū),看到很多老鐵都說想要一個簡化的文字版本,以方便更好地去吃透視頻里的邏輯。身為寵粉up主,從今天開始老劉就自己當課代表,給大伙把最核心的東西整理出來,讓你們看得清晰、看的順暢。下面就是本期的主要內容了,記得先贊后看哦~

Looking through the comments section recently, I saw many old fans saying that they want a simplified text version to better understand the logic in the video.   As a fan of pet up, Lao Liu has been acting as the class representative since today, sorting out the core things for everyone, so that you can see clearly and smoothly.   The following is the main content of this issue, remember to like it before you see it  

Is the third photovoltaic revolution coming?  This is our topic.  Let's start with the first photovoltaic revolution, which occurred in the area of cost.   At the time, polysilicon was so expensive that it produced ten times as much electricity as thermal power, so it was impossible to spread.  At this time, Longi firmly chose monocrystalline silicon, and came up with two key technologies: double casting crystal technology and diamond line technology, which greatly reduced the cost of monocrystalline silicon, so that photovoltaic power generation can finally be used in a large area.  

Then there is the second photovoltaic revolution, in the area of efficiency.  At that time, the conversion rate of photovoltaic power was too low to match that of thermal power.  At that time, Asu developed perC technology, which greatly increased the power generation efficiency of photovoltaic. At this time, the cost and efficiency of photovoltaic and thermal power are basically equal.  We are going to talk about the third photovoltaic revolution is actually in detail, let photovoltaic to the next level, completely beat thermal power.  At this point gCL-Poly began to use silane fluidized bed process to treat silicon particles instead of the original modified Siemens process to treat bulk silicon, directly reducing the cost from 1 billion to 600 million.  



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