

返回列表 來源: 發(fā)布日期: 2021.11.27 瀏覽次數(shù):


第一章  總  則
第一條  為優(yōu)化光伏電站開發(fā)建設(shè)管理,保障光伏電站和電力系統(tǒng)清潔低碳、安全高效運行,促進(jìn)光伏發(fā)電行業(yè)持續(xù)健康發(fā)展,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國可再生能源法》、《中華人民共和國電力法》、《企業(yè)投資項目核準(zhǔn)和備案管理條例》、《電力監(jiān)管條例》、《國務(wù)院關(guān)于促進(jìn)光伏產(chǎn)業(yè)健康發(fā)展的若干意見》、《企業(yè)投資項目核準(zhǔn)和備案管理辦法》等有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)和規(guī)章,制定本辦法。
第二條  本辦法適用于作為公共電源建設(shè)及運行的集中式光伏電站管理。
第三條  光伏電站開發(fā)建設(shè)管理包括規(guī)劃和可再生能源消納責(zé)任權(quán)重引導(dǎo)、年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案確定、項目管理、電網(wǎng)接入、運行監(jiān)測和市場監(jiān)督、技術(shù)質(zhì)量管理和安全監(jiān)管等。
第四條  國家能源局負(fù)責(zé)全國光伏電站開發(fā)建設(shè)和運行的監(jiān)督管理工作。省級能源主管部門在國家能源局指導(dǎo)下,負(fù)責(zé)本地區(qū)光伏電站開發(fā)建設(shè)和運行的監(jiān)督管理工作。國家能源局派出機構(gòu)負(fù)責(zé)所轄區(qū)域內(nèi)光伏電站的公平接網(wǎng)、電力消納、及時足額結(jié)算等方面的監(jiān)管工作以及安全監(jiān)督管理工作。國家能源局委托國家可再生能源信息管理中心承擔(dān)光伏電站建設(shè)和運行技術(shù)管理和服務(wù)工作。電網(wǎng)企業(yè)承擔(dān)光伏電站并網(wǎng)條件落實、電網(wǎng)接入、調(diào)度能力優(yōu)化等工作,配合能源主管部門分析測算區(qū)域內(nèi)電網(wǎng)消納與接入送出條件。
第二章  規(guī)劃和可再生能源消納責(zé)任權(quán)重引導(dǎo)
第五條  國家能源局編制全國可再生能源發(fā)展規(guī)劃,確定國家光伏電站開發(fā)建設(shè)的總體目標(biāo)和重大布局。
第六條  國家能源主管部門根據(jù)可再生能源規(guī)劃提出的相關(guān)目標(biāo),按照責(zé)任共擔(dān)原則,建立和強化可再生能源電力消納責(zé)任權(quán)重機制,每年初滾動發(fā)布各省權(quán)重,同時印發(fā)當(dāng)年和次年消納責(zé)任權(quán)重,當(dāng)年權(quán)重為約束性指標(biāo),各省按此進(jìn)行考核評估,次年權(quán)重為預(yù)期性指標(biāo)。
第三章  確定年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案 
第七條  省級能源主管部門負(fù)責(zé)做好本?。▍^(qū)、市)可再生能源發(fā)展規(guī)劃與國家可再生能源發(fā)展規(guī)劃之間的上下聯(lián)動,根據(jù)本?。▍^(qū)、市)可再生能源規(guī)劃、非水電可再生能源電力消納責(zé)任權(quán)重,以及區(qū)域內(nèi)電網(wǎng)消納與接入條件等,合理確定光伏電站年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案,原則上每年6 月底前向社會公布。光伏電站年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案可視國家要求,分為保障性并網(wǎng)規(guī)模和市場化并網(wǎng)規(guī)模。各地分批確定保障性并網(wǎng)項目或者市場化并網(wǎng)項目的,及時向社會公開相關(guān)情況。未納入光伏電站年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案的項目,電網(wǎng)公司不予辦理電網(wǎng)接入手續(xù)。鼓勵各級能源主管部門采取項目庫的管理方式,做好光伏電站項目儲備。
第八條  保障性并網(wǎng)項目鼓勵由省級能源主管部門通過競爭性配置方式優(yōu)選確定,并由電網(wǎng)企業(yè)保障并網(wǎng)。市場化并網(wǎng)項目按照國家和各?。▍^(qū)、市)有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行,電網(wǎng)企業(yè)配合省級能源主管部門對通過自建、合建共享或購買服務(wù)等市場化方式落實并網(wǎng)條件。
第九條  各省光伏電站競爭性配置項目辦法和年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案應(yīng)及時報國家能源主管部門備案。各級能源主管部門要優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境,規(guī)范開發(fā)建設(shè)秩序,不得將配套產(chǎn)業(yè)作為項目開發(fā)建設(shè)的門檻。
第四章  項目管理
第十條  光伏電站項目單位應(yīng)做好規(guī)劃選址、資源測評、建設(shè)條件論證、市場需求分析等項目開工前的各項準(zhǔn)備工作,重點落實光伏電站項目的電力送出條件和消納市場。
第十一條 光伏電站項目按照《企業(yè)投資項目核準(zhǔn)和備案管理條例》、《企業(yè)投資項目核準(zhǔn)和備案管理辦法》有關(guān)規(guī)定實行備案管理。各省可制定本行政區(qū)域內(nèi)的項目備案管理辦法,明確備案機關(guān)及其權(quán)限以及備案有效期等。備案機關(guān)及其工作人員應(yīng)當(dāng)依法對項目進(jìn)行備案,不得擅自增減審查條件,不得超出辦理時限。備案機關(guān)應(yīng)當(dāng)加強對光伏電站的事中事后監(jiān)管。
第十二條 光伏電站完成項目備案后,應(yīng)抓緊落實各項建設(shè)條件。已經(jīng)完成備案并納入年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案的,在辦理完成相關(guān)法律法規(guī)要求的各項建設(shè)手續(xù)后方可開工建設(shè),并與電網(wǎng)企業(yè)做好配套電力送出工程的銜接。
第十三條 光伏電站項目單位負(fù)責(zé)電站建設(shè)和運營,是光伏電站的安全生產(chǎn)責(zé)任主體,必須貫徹執(zhí)行國家及行業(yè)安全生產(chǎn)管理規(guī)定,依法加強光伏電站建設(shè)運行全過程的安全生產(chǎn)管理,并加大對安全生產(chǎn)的投入保障力度,改善安全生產(chǎn)條件。
第十四條 對于各類存量項目應(yīng)在規(guī)定時限內(nèi)建成投產(chǎn),對于超出備案有效期而長期不建的項目,各省級能源主管部門應(yīng)及時組織清理,對確實不具備建設(shè)條件的,應(yīng)及時予以廢止。
第五章  電網(wǎng)接入管理 
第十五條 光伏電站配套電力送出工程應(yīng)與光伏電站建設(shè)相協(xié)調(diào)。光伏電站項目單位負(fù)責(zé)投資建設(shè)項目場址內(nèi)集電線路和升壓站工程,原則上電網(wǎng)企業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)投資建設(shè)項目場址外配套電力送出工程。各省級能源主管部門負(fù)責(zé)做好協(xié)調(diào)工作。
第十六條  對電網(wǎng)企業(yè)建設(shè)有困難或規(guī)劃建設(shè)時序不匹配的新能源配套送出工程,允許發(fā)電企業(yè)投資建設(shè)。發(fā)電企業(yè)建設(shè)配套送出工程應(yīng)充分進(jìn)行論證,可以多家企業(yè)聯(lián)合建設(shè),也可以一家企業(yè)建設(shè),多家企業(yè)共享。發(fā)電企業(yè)建設(shè)的新能源配套工程,經(jīng)電網(wǎng)企業(yè)與發(fā)電企業(yè)雙方協(xié)商同意,可在適當(dāng)時機由電網(wǎng)企業(yè)依法依規(guī)進(jìn)行回購。
第十七條  電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)根據(jù)國家光伏電站開發(fā)建設(shè)的總體目標(biāo)、各地區(qū)光伏電站建設(shè)規(guī)劃和年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案,統(tǒng)籌開展光伏電站配套電網(wǎng)規(guī)劃和建設(shè),根據(jù)需要采用智能電網(wǎng)等先進(jìn)技術(shù),提高電網(wǎng)接納光伏發(fā)電的能力。各級能源主管部門負(fù)責(zé)將電網(wǎng)項目納入相應(yīng)電力規(guī)劃。
第十八條  電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)按照積極服務(wù)、簡捷高效的原則,建立和完善光伏電站項目接網(wǎng)審核和服務(wù)程序。項目單位提出接入系統(tǒng)設(shè)計報告評審申請后,對于接入系統(tǒng)電壓等級為500 千伏及以上的項目,電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)于40個工作日內(nèi)出具書面回復(fù)意見;對于接入系統(tǒng)電壓等級為110 66 )~220330 )千伏的項目,電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)于30 個工作日內(nèi)出具書面回復(fù)意見;對于接入系統(tǒng)電壓等級為35千伏及以下的項目,電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)于20 個工作日內(nèi)出具書面回復(fù)意見。對于不具備接入條件的項目應(yīng)說明原因。鼓勵電網(wǎng)企業(yè)推廣“新能源云”平臺,服務(wù)新能源為主體的新型電力系統(tǒng)。
第十九條  電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)提高光伏電站配套電網(wǎng)工程相關(guān)工作的效率,做到配套電力送出工程與光伏電站項目同步建設(shè),同時投運。確保納入年度開發(fā)建設(shè)方案的保障性并網(wǎng)和市場化并網(wǎng)項目應(yīng)當(dāng)“能并盡并”,不得附加額外條件。
第二十條  電網(wǎng)企業(yè)要會同全國新能源消納監(jiān)測預(yù)警中心及時公布各省級區(qū)域并網(wǎng)消納情況及預(yù)測分析,引導(dǎo)理性投資、有序建設(shè)。對項目單位反映的問題,省級電網(wǎng)企業(yè)要及時協(xié)調(diào)、督導(dǎo)和糾正。光伏電站并網(wǎng)后,省級電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)及時掌握情況并按月向省級能源主管部門報送相關(guān)信息。
第二十一條  光伏電站項目應(yīng)符合國家有關(guān)光伏電站接入電網(wǎng)的技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),光伏發(fā)電系統(tǒng)容配比不應(yīng)高于1.8:1 ,涉網(wǎng)設(shè)備必須通過經(jīng)國家認(rèn)可的檢測認(rèn)證機構(gòu)檢測認(rèn)證,經(jīng)檢測認(rèn)證合格的設(shè)備,電網(wǎng)企業(yè)不得要求進(jìn)行重復(fù)檢測。
第二十二條  電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)按國家有關(guān)技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和管理規(guī)定,在項目單位提交并網(wǎng)調(diào)試申請后15 個工作日內(nèi),配合開展光伏電站涉網(wǎng)設(shè)備和電力送出工程的并網(wǎng)調(diào)試、竣工驗收,與項目單位簽訂并網(wǎng)調(diào)度協(xié)議和購售電合同。
第二十三條  電網(wǎng)企業(yè)應(yīng)采取系統(tǒng)性技術(shù)措施,完善光伏電站并網(wǎng)運行的調(diào)度技術(shù)體系,按照有關(guān)規(guī)定保障光伏電站安全高效并網(wǎng)運行,保障光伏電站維持合理利用率。
第六章  運行監(jiān)測與市場監(jiān)督
第二十四條  省級能源主管部門在國家能源局指導(dǎo)下,加強光伏電站建設(shè)質(zhì)量監(jiān)督管理及運行監(jiān)管。國家能源局根據(jù)建設(shè)和運行的實際情況及時完善行業(yè)政策、規(guī)范和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)體系。
第二十五條  項目主體工程和配套電力送出工程完工后,項目單位應(yīng)及時組織項目竣工驗收,并將竣工驗收報告報送項目備案機關(guān),抄送國家國家可再生能源信息管理中心。
第二十六條  國家能源局適時組織或者委托行業(yè)協(xié)會、有資質(zhì)的咨詢機構(gòu)等,根據(jù)相關(guān)技術(shù)規(guī)定對通過竣工驗收并投產(chǎn)運行 1  年以上的重點光伏電站項目以及試點、示范項目的建設(shè)和運行情況進(jìn)行后評價,作為完善行業(yè)政策、規(guī)范和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的重要依據(jù)。項目單位應(yīng)按照評價報告對項目設(shè)施和運行管理進(jìn)行必要的改進(jìn)。
第二十七條  國家能源局依托國家可再生能源項目信息系統(tǒng)開展項目全過程信息監(jiān)測。省級能源主管部門應(yīng)督促項目單位應(yīng)按照有關(guān)要求,向國家可再生能源信息管理中心報送相關(guān)信息。
第二十八條  光伏電站建設(shè)運行過程中發(fā)生電力事故、電力安全事件和信息安全事件,項目單位和有關(guān)參建單位應(yīng)按相關(guān)規(guī)定和要求向上級主管單位、有關(guān)國家能源局派出機構(gòu)以及相關(guān)地方政府電力管理等部門報告。
第二十九條  光伏電站的拆除、設(shè)備回收與再利用,應(yīng)符合國家資源回收利用的相關(guān)政策,不得造成環(huán)境破壞與污染,鼓勵項目單位為設(shè)備回收與再利用創(chuàng)造便利條件。
第三十條  各省級能源主管部門可根據(jù)本辦法,制定適應(yīng)本?。▍^(qū)市)實際的具體管理辦法。國家能源局派出機構(gòu)根據(jù)本辦法,做好光伏電站公平接網(wǎng)、電力消納、及時足額結(jié)算等方面的監(jiān)管。  
第七章  附  則
第三十一條  本辦法由國家能源局負(fù)責(zé)解釋。

第三十二條  本辦法自發(fā)布之日起實施。

Recently, the National Energy Administration issued a public notice on soliciting comments on the "Photovoltaic Power Generation Development and Construction Management Measures (Draft)".  

The original text reads as follows:  

In order to further optimize the development and construction management of photovoltaic power stations and promote the sustainable and high-quality development of the photovoltaic power generation industry, the bureau organized relevant units to revise and form the Photovoltaic Power Generation Development and Construction Management Measures (Draft) on the basis of the Interim Measures for the Management of Photovoltaic Power Station Projects.   The consultation period is from November 26 to December 25, 2021.  Welcome relevant units and people from all walks of life to put forward valuable comments and suggestions, through E-mail or fax and other forms of feedback to our bureau of new energy Department.  

Thank you for your participation and support!  

Contact information: 010-81929523, 010-81929525 (fax), xinnengyuansi@126.com  

Annex: Photovoltaic Power Station Development and Construction Management Measures (Draft)  

National Energy Administration  

November 24, 2021  



Measures for the administration of development and construction of photovoltaic power stations  

(Draft for Comments)  

Chapter I General Provisions  

Article 1 In order to optimize the development, construction and management of photovoltaic power stations, ensure the clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient operation of photovoltaic power stations and power systems, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of photovoltaic power generation industry,   According to the law of the People's Republic of China renewable energy law, the electric power law of the People's Republic of China "and the enterprise investment project approval and filing management ordinance, the electricity regulatory ordinance," the State Council on promoting the healthy development of photovoltaic industry a number of opinions ", the enterprise investment project approval and filing management method "and other relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations, and these measures.  

Article 2 These measures shall apply to the management of centralized photovoltaic power stations constructed and operated as public power sources.  

Article 3 The development and construction management of photovoltaic power stations includes planning and guidance of responsibility weight of renewable energy consumption, determination of annual development and construction scheme, project management, power grid access, operation monitoring and market supervision, technical quality management and safety supervision, etc.  

Article 4 The National Energy Administration is responsible for the supervision and administration of the development, construction and operation of photovoltaic power stations nationwide.   Under the guidance of the National Energy Administration, the competent energy departments at the provincial level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the development, construction and operation of photovoltaic power stations in their respective regions.  The dispatched offices of the National Energy Administration shall be responsible for the supervision and safety supervision and administration of the photovoltaic power stations within their jurisdiction in terms of fair grid connection, electricity consumption, timely and full settlement, etc.  The National Energy Administration entrusts the National Renewable Energy Information Management Center to undertake the technical management and services for the construction and operation of photovoltaic power stations.  Power grid enterprises undertake the implementation of grid connection conditions, grid access and dispatching capacity optimization of photovoltaic power stations, and cooperate with the competent energy departments to analyze and calculate regional grid consumption and access and delivery conditions.  

The second chapter is the guidance of responsibility weight for planning and renewable energy consumption  

Article 5 The National Energy Administration shall work out the national renewable energy development plan and determine the overall objectives and major layout of the development and construction of photovoltaic power stations.  

Article 6 the competent department of the national energy based on renewable energy planning related goal, in accordance with the principle of sharing responsibility, establish and strengthen renewable power weights given responsibility mechanism, scrolling provinces weight at the beginning of each year, at the same time issued by the weights and given the responsibility of next year, when the weight for the binding targets, the provincial examination according to the evaluation,   The weight of the next year is an anticipatory indicator.  

Chapter III determines the annual development and construction plan  

Article 7 provincial departments in charge of energy to do this province (autonomous regions and municipalities) of renewable energy development planning and the national renewable energy development planning between the upper and lower linkage, according to the provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities), non - renewable energy planning hydropower renewable power given responsibility for the weight, and given area power grid and access conditions, such as reasonable annual development plan of the photovoltaic power station,   In principle, it will be announced to the public before the end of June every year.  The annual development and construction plan of photovoltaic power stations can be divided into guaranteed grid connection scale and market-oriented grid connection scale according to national requirements.  Local governments shall timely disclose relevant information to the public when they decide on government-subsidized or market-oriented grid connection projects in batches.   Power grid companies shall not go through grid access procedures for projects not included in the annual development and construction plan of photovoltaic power stations.  The competent energy departments at all levels are encouraged to adopt the management mode of project library to reserve photovoltaic power station projects well.  

Article 8 Guaranteed grid connection projects are encouraged to be optimized and determined by provincial energy authorities through competitive allocation and guaranteed by power grid enterprises.   Market-based grid connection projects shall be implemented in accordance with relevant provisions of the state and provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). Power grid enterprises shall cooperate with provincial energy authorities to implement grid connection conditions through self-construction, joint construction and sharing, or purchase of services and other market-based ways.  

Article 9 The measures of competitive allocation projects and annual development and construction plans of photovoltaic power stations in each province shall be submitted to the state energy authority for the record in a timely manner.   Energy authorities at all levels should optimize the business environment, standardize the order of development and construction, and should not take supporting industries as the threshold of project development and construction.  

Chapter IV Project Management  

Article 10 The photovoltaic power station project unit shall make a good job of planning site selection, resource evaluation, demonstration of construction conditions, market demand analysis and other preparatory work before the project starts, and focus on the implementation of the conditions for power delivery and market consumption of the photovoltaic power station project.  

Article 11 Photovoltaic power station projects shall be subject to archival administration in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on The Administration of Approval and Archival Filing of Enterprise Investment Projects and the Measures for the Administration of Approval and Archival Filing of Enterprise Investment Projects.   Each province may formulate measures for the administration of the archival filing of projects within its own administrative region, clarifying the archival filing organs and their powers as well as the period of validity of archival filing.  The record-keeping organ and its personnel shall record the items according to law, and shall not add or reduce the examination conditions without authorization, nor exceed the time limit for handling the items.  The archival organs shall strengthen supervision over photovoltaic power stations during and after the event.  

Article 12 After the project is put on record, the construction conditions of photovoltaic power stations should be promptly implemented.  For those that have been put on record and included in the annual development and construction plan, construction can start only after going through all construction procedures required by relevant laws and regulations, and do a good job of connecting with power grid enterprises for supporting power delivery projects.  

Article 13 of the photovoltaic power station project units responsible for the construction and operation, and is responsible for safety production of photovoltaic power station main body, must be carried out and industry safety production management regulations of the state, in accordance with the law to strengthen the construction of photovoltaic power station running the whole process of safety production management, and intensify investment guarantee for safe production, improve the safe production conditions.  

Article 14 For all kinds of stock projects, they shall be completed and put into operation within the prescribed time limit. For those projects that have not been built for a long time beyond the term of validity for archival filing, the energy administrative departments at the provincial level shall organize timely liquidation, and for those projects that do not meet the requirements for construction, they shall be abolished in time.  

Chapter V Power grid Access Management  

Article 15 Photovoltaic power station supporting power transmission project shall be coordinated with photovoltaic power station construction.  Photovoltaic power station project units are responsible for the investment and construction of power collection lines and booster stations within the project site, while power grid enterprises are responsible for the investment and construction of supporting power delivery projects outside the project site in principle.  Provincial energy departments are responsible for coordination.  

Article 16 Power generation enterprises are allowed to invest in the construction of supporting new energy delivery projects that are difficult to be constructed by power grid enterprises or whose planned construction time series are not matched.   Power generation enterprise construction supporting delivery project should be fully demonstrated, can be joint construction of multiple enterprises, can also be one enterprise construction, multiple enterprises share.  New energy supporting projects built by power generation enterprises may be repurchased by power grid enterprises at appropriate time according to law and regulations upon mutual agreement between power grid enterprises and power generation enterprises.  

Article 17 Power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with the overall goal of the development and construction of photovoltaic power stations of the State, the construction plans of photovoltaic power stations in each region and the annual development and construction plans, carry out overall planning and construction of photovoltaic power grid supporting photovoltaic power stations, adopt smart grid and other advanced technologies according to needs, and improve the capacity of the power grid to accept photovoltaic power generation.   Energy authorities at all levels are responsible for incorporating power grid projects into the corresponding power planning.  

Article 18 Power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with the principle of active service, simplicity and efficiency, establish and improve the procedures for examination and service of photovoltaic power station project connection.   After the project unit submits the application for review of the access system design report, the power grid enterprise shall give a written reply within 40 working days for the projects with access system voltage level of 500 kV or above.  For the project with the voltage level of the access system ranging from 110 (66) to 220 (330) kV, the power grid enterprise shall issue a written reply within 30 working days;  For the projects with access system voltage level of 35 kV and below, the power grid enterprises shall give written reply opinions within 20 working days.  For items that do not have access conditions, the reasons should be explained.  Power grid enterprises are encouraged to promote "new energy cloud" platforms to serve new power systems dominated by new energy.  

Article 19 Power grid enterprises shall improve the efficiency of photovoltaic power station supporting power grid projects, and ensure that supporting power transmission projects and photovoltaic power station projects are constructed and put into operation at the same time.   Guaranteed and market-oriented grid connection projects that are included in the annual development and construction plan should be "capable and combined" without additional conditions.  

Article 20 Power grid enterprises shall, together with the National Monitoring and Early Warning Center of New Energy Consumption, timely publish the information and forecast analysis of grid-connected consumption of each provincial region, and guide rational investment and orderly construction.   Provincial power grid enterprises shall timely coordinate, supervise and correct the problems reported by project units.   After the photovoltaic power station is connected to the grid, the provincial power grid enterprise shall timely grasp the situation and submit relevant information to the provincial energy authority on a monthly basis.  

Article 21 Photovoltaic power station projects shall conform to the national technical standards for photovoltaic power stations to be connected to the power grid, and the capacity ratio of photovoltaic power generation system shall not be higher than 1.8:1. The net-related equipment must pass the testing and certification of the state-approved testing and certification institution. The power grid enterprises shall not require repeated testing of the equipment that passes the testing and certification.  

Article 22 Power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with relevant national technical standards and management regulations, cooperate with project units in carrying out grid-connection debugging, completion acceptance of grid-connection equipment and power delivery projects of photovoltaic power stations, and sign grid-connection scheduling agreements and electricity purchase and sale contracts with project units within 15 working days after submitting the application for grid-connection debugging.  

Article 23 Power grid enterprises shall take systematic technical measures to improve the dispatching technology system for grid-connected operation of photovoltaic power stations, ensure the safe and efficient grid-connected operation of photovoltaic power stations and maintain reasonable utilization rate of photovoltaic power stations according to relevant regulations.  

Chapter VI Operation Monitoring and Market Supervision  

Article 24 Provincial energy administrative departments shall, under the guidance of the National Energy Administration, strengthen the supervision and management of the construction quality and operation of photovoltaic power stations.   The National Energy Administration shall timely improve industrial policies, norms and standard systems according to the actual situation of construction and operation.  

Article 25 Upon the completion of the main part of the project and the supporting power delivery project, the project unit shall timely organize the completion acceptance inspection of the project, and submit the completion acceptance inspection report to the project archival organ and copy it to the National Renewable Energy Information Management Center.  

Article 26 the state energy bureau timely organization or industry association, qualified consultants, etc., in accordance with the relevant technical regulations on through the completion inspection and acceptance and put into production operation more than one year the focus of the photovoltaic power station project and the construction and operation of the pilot and demonstration projects situation after evaluation, as perfecting industry policy, the important basis of norms and standards.   The project unit shall make necessary improvements to the project facilities and operation management according to the evaluation report.  

Article 27 The National Energy Administration shall, relying on the National Renewable energy Project information system, carry out information monitoring on the whole process of a project.   Provincial energy authorities shall urge project units to submit relevant information to the National Renewable Energy Information Management Center in accordance with relevant requirements.  

Article 28 In case of power accidents, power safety incidents and information security incidents occurring during the construction and operation of photovoltaic power stations, the project units and relevant participating units shall report to the superior competent units, the dispatched agencies of the relevant National Energy Administration and the power administration departments of the relevant local governments according to relevant regulations and requirements.  

Article 29 The dismantling, equipment recovery and reuse of photovoltaic power stations shall conform to the relevant policies of the State on resource recovery and utilization, and shall not cause environmental damage and pollution. Project units are encouraged to create convenient conditions for equipment recovery and reuse.  

Article 30 The competent departments of energy at the provincial level may, in accordance with these Measures, formulate specific administrative measures adapted to the actual conditions of their respective provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government).   The dispatched offices of the National Energy Administration shall, in accordance with these Measures, exercise supervision over photovoltaic power stations in terms of fair grid connection, electricity consumption and timely and full settlement.  

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions  

Article 31 The National Energy Administration shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.  

Article 32 These Measures shall take effect as of the date of promulgation.  



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